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  • immagine-1-riello-caldaia-a-condensazione-riello-residence-hm-30-kis-low-nox-con-kit-scarico-fumi-metano-o-gpl

    Riello Caldaia a Condensazione Riello Residence HM 30 KIS Low NOx Con Kit Scarico Fumi Metano o Gpl

    Caldaia a Condensazione Riello Residence HM 30 KIS Low NOx Con Kit Scarico Fumi Metano o Gpl Caratteristiche tecniche Modello : Residence HM KIS Potenza nominale ERP: 24 kW Alimentazione : Metano/gpl Efficienza energetica Classe di efficienza energetica stagionale del riscaldamento : A Classe di efficienza energetica del sanitario : A Efficienza energetica stagionale del riscaldamento : 93% Potenza termica utile Potenza termica nominale e a regime di alta temperatura : 24,4 kW Potenza termica nominale e a regime di bassa temperatura : 8,2 kW Efficienza Utile Alla potenza termica nominale e a regime di alta temperatura ** ƞ4 % 87,9 Al 30% potenza termica nominale e a regime di bassa temperatura *** ƞ1 % 98,0. Altre specifiche tecniche Portata termica riscaldamento (max-min) kW 25,0- 3,0 Portata termica ACS nominale (max-min) kW 30,0-3,0 Tensione di alimentazione V-Hz 230-50 Grado di protezione IP IPX5D Classe NOx 6  Riscaldamento Pressione-temperatura massima bar-°C 3-90  Pompa: massima prevalenza disponibile(alla portata di 1000 l/h) **** mbar 400 Capacità vaso espansione a menbrana l 9 Dimensioni, peso Dimensioni caldaia (HxPxL) mm 740x275x420  Peso netto kg 30 Residence HM RESIDENCE HM INAUGURA UNA NUOVA GENERAZIONE DI CALDAIE A CONDENSAZIONE, CHE SANCISCE L’IMPEGNO DI RIELLO PER UN’INNOVAZIONE TECNOLOGICA AL SERVIZIO DEL RISPARMIO ENERGETICO E DELLA SOSTENIBILITÀ, OFFRENDO UN COMFORT SEMPRE PIÙ RISPONDENTE ALLE MODERNE ESIGENZE DELL’UTENTE RESIDENCE, tra le gamme più rappresentative dell’offerta Riello in termini di affidabilità e performance, si rinnova profondamente nel design e nella tecnologia per dar vita a RESIDENCE HM. Tante sono le novità di questa nuova caldaia murale a condensazione rispetto alla serie precedente: dall’elevata modulazione 1:10 su tutta la gamma, al nuovo scambiatore di calore in acciaio inox con rinnovato controllo di combustione adattivo, fino al nuovo pannello di controllo touch, per citare le principali.Denominatore comune di tutta la gamma la ricerca tecnologica finalizzata al risparmio energetico per offrire un comfort sempre più elevato: dalla silenziosità alle prestazioni, tante sono le caratteristiche migliorative di RESIDENCE HM, che l’utente non mancherà di apprezzare. La nuova gamma si presenta in una veste estetica completamente rinnovata, dal carattere moderno ed evoluto, che si armonizza con facilità nei diversi contesti residenziali, sia nella sostituzione che nella nuova edilizia. Inoltre come tutte le caldaie Riello di nuova generazione, RESIDENCE HM è orientata al futuro: è infatti predisposta per operare con miscele di gas naturale e idrogeno fino al 20%, contribuendo così a ridurre l’impatto ambientale e le emissioni delle caldaie a condensazione nei prossimi anni. ALTE PRESTAZIONIGrazie all’ampia modulazione 1:10, al nuovo controllo intelligente di combustione ACC e ai rinnovati scambiatori primario e sanitario OTTIMO COMFORT SANITARIOAcqua calda senza oscillazioni ditemperatura, per un comfort ottimale durante i prelievi, con profilo di carico al vertice della categoria.INTERFACCIA TOUCHL’interfaccia di RESIDENCE HM mantiene la semplicità e l’intuitività di utilizzo, innovandosi con una caratterizzante estetica touch. ELEVATA SILENZIOSITÀ RESIDENCE HM si distingue per la silenziosità operativa, che la rende la soluzione ideale per installazione all’interno dell’abitazione. DESIGN COMPATTOLa compattezza, trasversale su tutte le taglie, rende RESIDENCE HM idonea anche per installazione in un pensile. La caldaia è installabile anche a incasso o all’esterno, in luogo parzialmente protetto INSTALLAZIONE E MANUTENZIONE SEMPLIFICATEGrazie al sistema di controllo combustione adattivo ACC, alla compattezza e all’accessibilità frontale ai componenti. TECNOLOGIA AL SERVIZIO DEL COMFORT E DELL’EFFICIENZA ENERGETICA Nuova flangia fumi con collare di sicurezza a rapido serraggio.  Ridotte emissioni di NOx: CLASSE 6 (EN 15502). Ampia modulazione 1:10 su tutta la gamma, per un elevato risparmio energetico. Efficienza stagionale 93%. Nuovo scambiatore in acciaio inox con rinnovato sistema di controllo della combustione ACC Combustion. Vaso di espansione laterale da 9 litri. Scambiatore a piastre ad elevate prestazioni sviluppato da Riello. Nuovo circolatore digitale modulante a basso consumo. Nuovo gruppo idraulico con sequenza di attacchi di tipo DIN, per una sostituzione semplificata. Copertura superiore e mensola inferiore realizzate con nuovi materiali costampati per favorire longevità e resistenza. NUOVO CONTROLLO DI COMBUSTIONE ELETTRONICO ADATTIVORESIDENCE HM è dotata di un nuovo sistema intelligente dicontrollo della combustione ACC (active combustion control), in grado di adattarsi automaticamente al combustibile (metano, GPL, ecc.) senza ricorrere a codici specifici o a kit di trasformazione accessori. Questo innovativo e sofisticato sistema di controllo consente l’auto-regolazione della combustione, eliminando la necessità di taratura iniziale. Il sistema ACC è inoltre in grado di adattare la caldaia ad operare con diverse configurazioni di gas, differenti lunghezze dei tubi e a diverse altitudini (entro i limiti progettuali previsti). Il sistema ACC è in grado inoltre di effettuare autodiagnosi per una combustione sempre sotto controllo, con emissioni costantemente ben inferiori ai limiti imposti dalla normativa. SCAMBIATORE SANITARIO A PIASTRE AD ELEVATE PRESTAZIONILo scambiatore sanitario di RESIDENCE HM “high performance”, sviluppato da Riello, offre un ottimo comfort, unitamente a rapidità di raggiungimento del set point e di stabilità della temperatura durante il prelievo. SILENZIOSITÀ DI FUNZIONAMENTOGrazie anche ai nuovi materiali introdotti, RESIDENCE HM sidistingue per la silenziosità di funzionamento, caratteristica migliorativa (circa il -10%) rispetto alla precedente gamma omonima e particolarmente apprezzabile nel caso di installazione della caldaia all’interno dell’abitazione. Il range di rumorisità si attesta infatti su livelli dai 45 db(A), per il modello 30 KIS, fino a 48 db(A) per il modello 20 IS. FACILITÀ DI INSTALLAZIONE E MANUTENZIONEIl sistema ACC semplifica l’installazione. In fase di accensione la nuova caldaia non necessita di taratura ed è sufficiente selezionare la tipologia di gas combustibile utilizzato dalla caldaia tramite l’interfaccia, se diverso da quello di default (metano). Le dimensioni ridotte e il peso contenuto rendono il prodotto facilmente trasportabile e movimentabile in fase di installazione. L’accessibilità frontale ai componenti rende inoltre il prodotto più semplice da manutenere per il tecnico preposto, velocizzandone i tempi di intervento. INTEGRABILITÀ IN SISTEMI IBRIDIRESIDENCE HM è in grado di integrarsi nei sistemi ibridi Riello multi-energia (gas/ elettricità e rinnovabili), attraverso l’offerta di accessori della piattaforma Hi, Comfort. NUOVA INTERFACCIA DAL DESIGN EVOLUTO E MODERNO RESIDENCE HM è dotata di una nuova interfaccia digitale dal design accattivante, che conferisce a RESIDENCE HM un carattere moderno, in lineacon i canoni estetici attuali. Progettato con una particolare attenzione alla facilità di utilizzo, il pannello di RESIDENCE HM permette di accedere in modo intuitivo a tutte le regolazioni e ai parametri della caldaia e del sistema con un semplice “touch” su sette punti della sua superficie. A conferma dell’operazione avvenuta si genera un “buzzer”, il caratteristico segnale acustico. Anche il display HMI da 2,8’’ è stato concepito all’insegna della semplicità di comunicazione per l’utente, attraverso l’utilizzo di icone che rendono più immediata la comprensione rispetto ai testi. LO SGUARDO AL FUTURO La gamma RESIDENCE HM, come tutte le caldaie Riello di nuova generazione, nasce predisposta per funzionare con miscele di gas naturale e idrogeno - fino a un massimo del 20% - un primo importante contributo verso il processo di decarbonizzazione avviato dall’Unione Europea ROADMAP IDROGENO 100%E c’è di più. Riello punta ora all’utilizzo dell’idrogeno puro come fonte di energia completamente priva di CO2 . Per questo, la nuova gamma RESIDENCE HM è stata testata per operare con la combustione dell’idrogeno al 100% tramite un kit di conversione, al momento in via sviluppo nei nostri laboratori. L’IDROGENO COSTITUISCE IL SISTEMA ENERGETICO SOSTENIBILE DEL FUTURO Disponibilità in enormi quantità Producibilità mediante metodi a basso impatto e in modo sostenibile da fonti rinnovabili, quali l’energia eolica, fotovoltaica e le biomasse Riduzione delle emissioni inquinanti Opportunità di contribuire al processo di decarbonizzazione UNA CALDAIA PER MOLTEPLICI SOLUZIONI LA DISPONIBILITÀ DI UN’AMPIA OFFERTA DI KIT ACCESSORI DEDICATI MOLTIPLICA LE SOLUZIONI IN TERMINI DI APPLICAZIONI INSTALLATIVE DI RESIDENCE HM, UNA CALDAIA VERSATILE, NATA PER RISPONDERE ALLE DIVERSE ESIGENZE IMPIANTISTICHE E DI COMFORT Compattezza, peso ridotto e grado di protezione elettrica IPX5D permettono a RESIDENCE HM di essere installata con facilità non solo all’interno dell’abitazione, ma anche all’esterno (in luogo parzialmente protetto) e a incasso in box. Il prodotto è ideale anche per la sostituzione, favorita dalla disponibilità di kit accessori di conversione, nel caso la caldaia da sostituire non sia Fornita di attacchi DIN Garanzia prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • Climatizzatore Condizionatore Riello Inverter serie AARIA START N 9000 Btu AMW 25 ST N R-32 Wi-Fi Optional 20211070

    Riello Climatizzatore Condizionatore Riello Inverter serie AARIA START N 9000 Btu AMW 25 ST N R-32 Wi-Fi Optional 20211070

    Caratteristiche tecniche Codice prodotto unità interna : AMW 25 ST N Codice prodotto unità esterna : AARIA START 25 N Codice set : 20211070 Potenza : 9000 Btu Wi-Fi optional : 20194065 Efficienza energetica SEER : 6,10 SCOP : 4,00 Classe di efficienza energetica in raffreddamento : A++ Classe di efficienza energetica in riscaldamento : A+ Consumo energetico annuo in raffreddamento : 149 kWh/a Consumo energetico annuo in riscaldamento : 840 kWh/a Performance Capacità raffreddamento : 2,60 kW Capacità riscaldamento : 2,80 kW Assorbimento raffreddamento : 0,80 kW Assorbimento riscaldamento: 0,75 kW Portata aria unità interna : 550 m3/h Livello potenza sonora unità interna : 52 dB(A) Livello potenza sonora unità esterna : 60 dB(A) Livello pressione sonora unità interna : 18~37 dB(A) Livello pressione sonora unità esterna : 47 dB(A) Dati elettrici Alimentazione (V,Hz,Ø) : 220~240/50/1 Gas refrigerante : R-32 Intervallo di funzionamento- Raffreddamento: -10° ~ 43° C- Riscaldamento: -15° ~ 24° C Dati installativi Diametro tubazioni liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") Diametro tubazioni gas : 9,52 mm (3/8") Lunghezza massima tubazioni : 15 m Dimensioni e peso Dimensioni unità interna (AxLxP) : 290x805x200 mm Peso unità interna : 8,3 Kg Dimensioni unità esterna (AxLxP) : 544x700x245 mm Peso unità esterna : 22,8 Kg Riello AARIA START N Condizionatore d’aria inverter R-32 AARIA START N è la nuova gamma di condizionatori inverter a parete di Riello, pensata per la climatizzazione di ambienti residenziali di piccole e medie dimensioni, che offre comfort per tutte le stagioni, agendo sia in riscaldamento che in raffrescamento La gamma raggiunge valori di efficienza energetica pari alla classe A++/A+, grazie alla tecnologia inverter. Le unità esterne utilizzano il gas refrigerante R32, a basso impatto ambientale. Elemento distintivo è l’elevato livello di silenziosità del condizionatore: la sua unità interna, alla velocità superminima, arriva fino a 18 dB(A) di pressione sonora, sia in riscaldamento che in raffrescamento. La gamma è dotata di un telecomando a raggi infrarossi, dal quale possono essere impostate tutte le funzioni del condizionatore. Tra le principali funzionalità, I FEEL che permette la regolazione della temperatura ambiente in base a quella percepita dal telecomando per un miglior comfort nei pressi dell’utente, e la funzione STERILIZZAZIONE A 56°C, che contribuisce a mantenere l’ambiente domestico pulito e sano, uccidendo virus e batteri attraverso il riscaldamento dell’evaporatore ad alta temperatura, e offrendo, quindi, un’aria più salubre in uscita dal condizionatore Un comfort omogeneo in tutto l'ambiente Con il condizionatore AARIA START N il comfort è migliore grazie all’effetto coanda, che offre una distribuzione omogenea dell’aria in tutta la stanza, ottimizzandone i flussi e la temperatura. In modalità raffrescamento, l’aria fredda esce dall’unità seguendo un flusso orizzontale e parallelo al soffitto, per evitare che si formino correnti di aria fredda verso il basso e dirette sulle persone. In modalità riscaldamento, l’aria calda segue invece un flusso verticale verso il basso, per poi circolare in tutto lo spazio e garantire una distribuzione omogenea della temperatura in tutto l’ambiente AARIA START N La nuova proposta Riello per ambienti di piccole e medie dimensioni La principale caratteristica di AARIA START N è la silenziosità di funzionamento. La pressione sonora dell’unità interna raggiunge un minimo di 18dB(A) e offre il massimo comfort acustico. Attraverso l’attivazione della funzione QUIET dal telecomando, è possibile ridurre la velocità della ventola, per ottenere un suono quasi impercettibile e paragonabile al respiro umano AMW ST N è l’unità interna a parete, in colore bianco lucido, che si abbina all’unità esterna AARIA START N. A bordo dell’unità interna è presente un display che mostra la temperatura, la presenza del wi-fi, attivabile tramite accessorio esterno, e la modalità di funzionamento: rossa in riscaldamento e blu in raffrescamento. Il controllo, la regolazione e la programmazione vengono effettuate con il telecomando a raggi infrarossi, insieme al quale viene fornito un supporto a parete. Un ambiente più sano con la sterilizzazione a 56°C Con AARIA START N goditi un ambiente più sano grazie alla funzione di sterilizzazione dell’aria per una pulizia profonda e una disinfezione rapida. La sterilizzazione ad alta temperatura a 56°C asciuga i componenti interni e uccide batteri e virus, offrendo un’aria sana in uscita dal condizionatore La funzione può essere attivata solo dall’app BeSmart A/C EV02 Refrigerante R-32 Efficienza e protezione dell'ambiente I condizionatori AARIA START N utilizzano il gas refrigerante R-32, una scelta di efficienza e di responsabilità ambientale. Il refrigerante R-32 è in linea con gli obiettivi europei di riduzione delle emissioni di CO2 e presenta numerosi vantaggi: Basso potenziale di riscaldamento globale (GWP): 675 Efficienza energetica elevata Soluzione collaudata e affidabile, già utilizzata nei condizionatori d’aria residenziali Il comforta portata di mano Attiva la funzione QUIET; Attiva la funzione I FEEL; Attiva la funzione COMFORT SLEEP; Attiva la funzione PULIZIA AUTOMATICA; Attiva/Disattiva la funzione TIMER; Attiva la funzione FLUSSO D’ARIA INDIRETTO; Attiva la funzione MASSIMA POTENZA; Attiva la funzione ANTIGELO (10°C) Garanzia prodotto : La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • Caldaia Riello Camera Aperta Mod. Start 24 Ki Ln Low Nox Metano - New Erp - CaldaieMurali

    Riello Riello Open Chamber Boiler Mod. Start 24 Ki Ln Low Nox Methane - New Erp

    Riello Open Chamber boiler mod. START 24 KI Low NOx - NEW ErP CODE 20151434 Product code: 20151434 Energy label specifications according to the European ErP directive Class C heating energy efficiency Sanitary energy efficiency profile XL Class B Characteristics of heating/DHW operation: Heating/DHW nominal heat input: 26.7 kW Heating/DHW nominal heat output: 24 kW Energy efficiency (92/42/EEC) **** Useful efficiency Pn max - Pn min (80°-60°): 90.1-86.4% Profit return 30% (47th return): 89.2% Open chamber with natural draft NOx class: 6 Min/max heating operating pressure: 0.25-3 bar Max absorbed electric power: 47 W Expansion vessel: 8 litres Min/max pressure in DHW: 0.15-8 bar Quantity of hot water with Δt 25°C: 13.8 l/min Quantity of hot water at Δt 30°C: 11.5 l/min Quantity of hot water at Δt 35°C: 9.9 l/min Sanitary water temperature selection range: 37-60°C Minimum domestic water flow rate: 2 l/min Dimensions (hxlxp) mm 740 x 400 x 332 ; 30 Kgs Electrical protection degree: IP X5D Power supply: METHANE Standard natural gas operation with possibility of conversion to LPG (G31), this modification is the responsibility of the installer or the technical assistance service START 24 KI LN (LOW NOx) Start LN is characterized by a modern design despite its essentiality and is ideal for heating and the production of domestic hot water in small and medium-sized domestic users. Start LN is available in power ratings of 24 and 28 kW with low NOx emissions <56 mg/kWh. Characteristics: Double exchanger: domestic hot water production with plate exchanger for greater resistance to the formation of limescale CTR system for more rapid achievement of the desired comfort and a reduction in consumption and temperature changes in the heating bodies 8 liter expansion vessel Low consumption circulator (IEE≤0.20) Antifreeze function which protects the heating and DHW circuits down to 0°C Standard thermoregulation on the boiler board in combination with the external probe (optional) Can be interfaced with the Remote Control Panel Hydraulic connections available as an accessory kit Standard natural gas operation with possibility of conversion to LPG (G31), this modification is the responsibility of the installer or the technical assistance service Electrical protection degree IP X5D Product Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-riello-scaldabagno-a-gas-a-camera-aperta-riello-acquafun2-11-ln-gpl-low-nox-a-basse-emissioni-20149831-ean-8018000364789

    Riello Open Chamber Gas Water Heater Riello Acquafun2 11 Ln Gpl Low Nox Low Emissions 20149831

    Technical features Model: AcquaFun2 LN 11 Product code : 20149831 Gas : LPG Energy efficiency Sanitary energy efficiency class: A Sanitary load profile : M Sanitary energy efficiency (ηwh) : 77.2% Daily gas consumption : 8.084 kW/h Annual gas consumption : 6 GJ Emissions of nitrogen oxides: 46 mg/kWh Characteristics Typology : Open chamber Draft Natural draft Ignition : 2 x 1.5V batteries Flame control : By ionization Flame modulation : Continue Hot water production Δt=30° : 9.3 litres/min Nominal heat input : 21.0 ~ 22.0 kW Rated heat output: 18.33~19.43kW Performance Water Withdrawal range with selector at minimum : from 2.5 to 5.5 litres/min Withdrawal range with selector at maximum : from 2.5 to 11 litres/min Water temperature rise with selector at minimum : 50°C Water temperature rise with selector at maximum : 25°C Minimum ~ normal ~ maximum pressure : 0.2 ~ 2.0 ~ 10.0 bar Water connections: 12.70 mm 1/2” Ø DHW temperature selection range: 35° ~ 60° C Performance Gases Nominal supply pressure G20,G30,G31 : 20/28 ~ 30/37 mbar Gas connections: 12.70 mm 1/2” Ø Electrical data Power supply (V,Hz, Ø) : 220~240/50/1 Electrical protection degree : IPX4D Dimensions and weight Dimensions (HxWxD): 675x350x230 mm Net weight : 12.0 Kg Riello ACQUAFUN 2 LN water heater The new Low NOx open chamber water heater Riello presents Acquafun 2 LN, the new instantaneous open chamber water heater, fully signed by Riello both in terms of design and manufacturing. Product that is part of the new offer of low NOx emission products able to offer maximum sanitary comfort in compliance with the recent European regulations for the reduction of NOx emissions. The new range is available in two sizes, 11 and 14 litres, available in both CNG and LPG versions, with dedicated codes. Acquafun 2 LN, completely renewed in the aesthetic and planning design, is ideal for installation in any living context, characteristics which, together with the simplicity of maintenance and performance for the end user, distinguish Acquafun 2 as an ideal solution for the production of domestic hot water for residential use. Latest generation burner with reduced Nox emissions The innovative water-cooled hyperstoichiometric type burner allows a significant reduction in the polluting values ​​of carbon monoxide and nitrogen produced by combustion, in compliance with the demanding requirements of EU Regulation 814/2013 which requires emissions equal to or lower than 56 mg/kWh The high heat output , together with the wide flame modulation, up to 45% of the nominal output, complete the profile of the new burner in terms of performance, offering the user maximum sanitary comfort . Simple and intuitive command interface Simple and intuitive backlit display with visualization of water temperature in °C, flame presence and battery charge level Three command buttons allow you to manage all the water heater functions Ease of use for the user due to the keys with symbols dedicated to the single user functions Immediate availability of hot water The innovative electronic gas valve combined with the pressure regulator allows the immediate delivery of the power in delivery, thanks to a controlled management of the flowmeter and the NTC temperature probe. The new electronics allow simplified maintenance and high-level performance. 1. NTC temperature probe 2. Limit thermostat with reset from display 3. Exchanger 4. Cooled burner 5. Electronic gas valve with pressure regulator 6. Flow restrictor 7. Flowmeter 8. Temperature regulator EAF Cold water inlet UAC Hot water outlet The new Acquafun2 LN range is characterized by the rapid achievement of the desired hot water temperature, offering optimal comfort. Product guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-riello-scaldabagno-riello-acquafun2-14-metano-ean-8018000364963

    Riello Riello Acquafun2 14 methane water heater

    Overview RIELLO ACQUAFUN2 14 METHANE WATER HEATER: Open Chamber water heater specifically dedicated to the production of hot water only. Technical specifications Product code: 20019746 Energy label specifications according to the European ErP directive Sanitary energy efficiency: Class A Load profile: profileL Characteristics of heating/DHW operation: Useful power - firebox: 23.7 - 27.2 kW Efficiency at max power: 87.1% Open room, natural draught Min/normal/max pressure bar 0.2/2/10 Camppreliev selector max 40C: 6.7£13.6 l/min Domestic hot water production: 14 l/min Dimensions (hxlxp) mm 650 x 363 x 245 ; 12.6 kgs Power supply: METHANE Features list WATERFUN2 Methane gas LPG Open Room Automatic battery start Acquafun Open Chamber water heater for quick and easy installation without electrical connections thanks to battery power supply. It is available in two models: 11 and 14 litres. Characteristics: Automatic ignition by battery (1.5 Volt). Get rid of tension problems. The continuous flame modulation allows the selected temperature to be kept constant as the pressure and water flow vary, optimizing the combination with mechanical and thermostatic mixers. Economizer device to reduce gas consumption. Supplied battery (1.5 Volt €«¦ size C €«¦ half torch). No mains connection required. The economizer chokes the maximum power by 50% to adapt it to the various installations. Thanks to its particularly compact dimensions, it can be installed in homes with particularly limited spaces. ErP: Energy related Products The new European regulations for heat generators ErP is the acronym of "Energy related Products" and the abbreviation that identifies the European Directive ErP 2009/125/EC, defined by the EEC with the intention of reducing the energy consumption of products through a eco-design ("eco-design"). The field of action of this European Directive is extremely broad since up to now it has affected products such as light bulbs, air conditioners, washing machines, fans, etc. Following the publication in September 2013 of a series of implementing regulations, starting from 26 September 2015 they will also apply to heating products for the production of domestic hot water. Also from the same date, other regulations will also become effective which will implement the energy labeling of the same product families. The transitory period between the publication of the regulations and their activation throughout the territory of the European Community is necessary to allow the full transposition of the contents by companies and market players. The energy labeling of products for heating domestic hot water production The regulations issued require that all products intended for heating and the production of domestic hot water, with a nominal thermal power lower than or equal to 70 kW, are placed on the market with an energy label that highlights their efficiency class. Note: the regulation provides for the mandatory presence of the energy label for the introduction of the product from the factories to the market. All the products previously introduced, for example present near distribution warehouses, can be regularly marketed even if they do not have an energy label. Various energy labels have been provided based on the use of the generator used: for heating from A++ to G; for the production of domestic hot water from A to G. A new mod to guide the consumer The purpose of energy labels is to allow the consumer to easily identify the level of efficiency of a product, to be able to make a homogeneous comparison between products that use different technologies. For products whose transformation efficiency is influenced by external conditions, such as products with 4 - Heat Pump Water Heaters, as well as those on air conditioners, the efficiency data reported for the average climatic range. In addition to the product energy labels, European regulations have also provided for the creation of a system label in the case of creating a plant in which various appliances, components and controls operate. This labelling, thanks to the combinations of the data of the various elements used in the plant, will make it possible to create systems capable of reaching levels of efficiency even higher than those of the individual generators. The European regulation states that the system label must be made available by whoever supplies and/operates the system (sellers-installers); this faculty was also granted to builders. Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The guarantee on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Caldaia Riello Camera Aperta Mod. Start 28 Ki Ln Low Nox Metano - New Erp - CaldaieMurali

    Riello Riello Open Chamber Boiler Mod. Start 28 Ki Ln Low Nox Methane - New Erp

    Riello Open Chamber boiler mod. START 28 KI Low NOx - NEW ErP CODE 20151435 Product code: 20151435 Energy label specifications according to the European ErP directive Class C heating energy efficiency Sanitary energy efficiency profile XL Class B Characteristics of heating/DHW operation: Thermal input: 31.90 kW Thermal power (80-60°C): 28.87 kW Reduced heat input: 14.00 kW Reduced thermal power (80-60°C): 12.36 kW Thermal input: 31.90 kW Reduced heat input: 9.00 kW Reduced thermal power: 7.95 kW Minimum operating pressure: 0.25-0.45 bar Quantity of hot water with Δt 25°C: 16.6 l/min Minimum domestic water flow rate: 2 l/min DHW temperature selection range: 37-60°C Flow regulator: 10 l/min NOx class: 6 Dimensions HxWxD 450x332x740 mm; Weight: 30 Kg Natural gas supply START 24 KI LN (LOW NOx) Start LN is characterized by a modern design despite its essentiality and is ideal for heating and the production of domestic hot water in small and medium-sized domestic users. Start LN is available in power ratings of 24 and 28 kW with low NOx emissions <56 mg/kWh. Characteristics: Double exchanger: domestic hot water production with plate exchanger for greater resistance to the formation of limescale CTR system for a quicker achievement of the desired comfort and a reduction in consumption, and in the temperature ranges in the heating bodies 8 liter expansion vessel Low consumption circulator (IEE≤0.20) Antifreeze function which protects the heating and DHW circuits down to 0°C Standard thermoregulation on the boiler board in combination with the external probe (optional) Can be interfaced with the Remote Control Panel Hydraulic connections available as an accessory kit Standard natural gas operation with possibility of conversion to LPG (G31), this modification is the responsibility of the installer or the technical assistance service Electrical protection degree IP X5D Product Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Riello Air Conditioner Inverter Series Aaria Mono Plus 12000 Btu Amw35 Plus R32 Wi-Fi Optional

    Riello Riello Air Conditioner Inverter Series Aaria Mono Plus 12000 Btu Amw35 Plus R32 Wi-Fi Optional

    Technical features Indoor Units 1) Model: Catalog code: (x1) AMW 20 P Power: 7000 Btu/h Wi-Fi Optional ( Code 20133559 ) Nominal capacity in cooling kW: 2.0 Nominal heating capacity (Pdesign) kW: 2.3 Sound power in cooling dB(A): 54 Absorbed power W: 25 Power supply (V/Ph/Hz): 230/1/50 Max treated air volume m3 /h: 600 Internal Unit Dimensions (HxLxP): 280 x 855 x 200 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 10 kg 2) Model: Catalog code: (x2) AMW 25 P Power: 9000 Btu/h Wi-Fi Optional ( Code 20133559 ) Nominal capacity in cooling kW: 2.5 Nominal heating capacity (Pdesign) kW: 2.8 Sound power in cooling dB(A): 54 Absorbed power W: 25 Power supply (V/Ph/Hz): 230/1/50 Max treated air volume m3 /h: 600 Internal Unit Dimensions (HxLxP): 280 x 855 x 200 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 10 kg 3) Model: Catalog code: (x1) AMW 35 P Power: 12000 Btu/h Wi-Fi Optional ( Code 20133559 ) Nominal capacity in cooling kW: 3.5 Nominal heating capacity (Pdesign) kW: 3.8 Sound power in cooling dB(A): 56 Absorbed power W: 25 Power supply (V/Ph/Hz): 230/1/50 Max treated air volume m3 /h: 650 Internal Unit Dimensions (HxLxP): 280 x 855 x 200 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 10 kg Outdoor unit Model: Catalog code: AARIA MULTI 485 P Maximum number of indoor units: 4 Performance and energy data in cooling Nominal capacity : 8.5 kW Nominal absorbed power: 2.50 kW SEERS: 7.00 Energy class: A++ Annual energy consumption : 456 kWh/a Performance and energy data in heating average climate profile Nominal capacity: 9.60 kW Nominal absorbed power: 2.40 kW SCOP : 4.00 Energy class: A+ Annual energy consumption : 2503 kWh/a Characteristics R32 refrigerant Power supply V-Ph- Hz: 220-240/1/50 Twin Rotary Compressor (DC Inverter) Maximum air flow: 4000 m³/h Sound power : 68 dB(A) Sound pressure : 55 dB(A) Hydraulic data Liquid/gas pipe Ø mm 3x6.35 / 3x9.52 Total pipe length max : 70 m Max piping length of single EU-UI line: 25 m Max height difference UI - UE : 15 m Max height difference UI - UI : 15 m Dimensions External Unit Dimensions (HxLxP): 700 x 890 x 340 mm Weight of Outdoor Unit: 61 Kg Riello AARIA multi-split Design and efficiency for domestic and small commercial air conditioning Technology For over 30 years Riello has been offering the market a wide range of air conditioners. This experience allows us to offer solutions for summer and winter air conditioning able to guarantee the best comfort and maximum efficiency. In particular, the inverter technology allows you to continuously adapt the power absorbed by the air conditioner, reducing or increasing it according to your needs. Design The internal units of Riello AARIA air conditioners are distinguished by the refined aesthetic finish and the quality of the materials with which they are made, which allow them to be pleasantly inserted into any residential environment. Even the construction details of the outdoor units are particularly accurate in order to avoid their deterioration even after many years of exposure to atmospheric agents. Efficiency Riello has always been a leader in research into the efficiency of its products. The AARIA series air conditioners have also been designed to provide the best performance in both summer cooling and winter heating. Also thanks to the introduction of the new R32 gas, the new AARIA models reach class A+++, guaranteeing extremely low running costs. R32 Refrigerant Gas Riello introduces the R32 refrigerant gas, replacing the current 410A, within the residential air conditioning proposal. The new gas has many advantages for the environment and performance, allowing the units to reach efficiency class A+++, as well as complying with the new European Regulation for the reduction of the environmental impact of fluorinated gases in the atmosphere. Comfort The AARIA series air conditioners act on several fronts to achieve maximum environmental comfort. In addition to the perfect stability of the room temperature, the continuous cleaning action of the air is added, to eliminate even the smallest impurities in suspension and offer a healthier environment. Optimal humidity values ​​are always guaranteed thanks to the Dry dehumidification function. The indoor units of the AARIA series are also distinguished by their extremely silent operation, thanks to the use of fans made with brushless* technology and the design of the air distribution. AIR MULTI PLUS AARIA Multi Plus is the ideal solution for residential and commercial applications for which perfect climate maintenance is required. The range has been designed to serve several rooms with the use of a single outdoor unit. The main feature is given by the flexibility of the choices of the indoor units with a wide choice between wall, cassette and ductable. AARIA MULTI PLUS is available in the version from 5 to 8.5 kW of supplied cooling capacity, guaranteeing cutting-edge energy performance. The unit with R32 refrigerant with low environmental impact reaches energy efficiency values ​​equal to class A++/A+ , thanks to the Inverter technology. The outdoor unit in pre-painted metal with action against atmospheric agents is equipped with connection covers and front grille in plastic. The compressor is of the high efficiency Twin Rotary type and able to reduce vibrations to a minimum. Efficiency and Versatility AARIA MULTI PLUS - multisplit outdoor unit, to connect up to 4 indoor units, with a single outdoor unit. The use of the new R32 refrigerant gas, with low environmental impact, allows the achievement of efficiency values ​​equal to A++ in cooling and A+ in heating. Elegance and practicality AMW P - The AMW P wall unit is characterized by a pleasant design, combining aesthetics and functionality. Equipped with an elegant LED display with adjustable brightness, to view the ambient temperature, the operating status and any error messages. The filters complete this proposal to always maintain the highest level of air quality. AMW P comes standard with infrared remote control for unit control, with large backlit display. the optional Wi-Fi kit allows you to manage the unit away from home. Everything under control Optional Wi-Fi kit - Riello wall-mounted units, from the AMW P range, can be equipped with a Wi-Fi kit to comfortably manage the comfort of your home even when you are away from home, using an app on your mobile device. Remote control Infrared remote control for AMW P wall unit and AMK P cassette, to control the unit, with large backlit display. The extraordinary design does not end only in the internal unit, but also expresses all its elegance in the exclusive remote control through which it is possible to manage all the potential of the air conditioner. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Climatizzatore Condizionatore Riello Inverter serie AARIA START N 12000 Btu AMW 35 ST N R-32 Wi-Fi Optional 20211071

    Riello Climatizzatore Condizionatore Riello Inverter serie AARIA START N 12000 Btu AMW 35 ST N R-32 Wi-Fi Optional 20211071

    Caratteristiche tecniche Codice prodotto unità interna : AMW 35 ST N Codice prodotto unità esterna : AARIA START 35 N Codice set : 20211071 Potenza : 12000 Btu Wi-Fi optional : 20194065 Efficienza energetica SEER : 6,10 SCOP : 4,00 Classe di efficienza energetica in raffreddamento : A++ Classe di efficienza energetica in riscaldamento : A+ Consumo energetico annuo in raffreddamento : 184 kWh/a Consumo energetico annuo in riscaldamento : 980 kWh/a Performance Capacità raffreddamento : 3,20 kW Capacità riscaldamento : 3,40 kW Assorbimento raffreddamento : 0,99 kW Assorbimento riscaldamento: 0,92 kW Portata aria unità interna : 600 m3/h Livello potenza sonora unità interna : 54 dB(A) Livello potenza sonora unità esterna : 61 dB(A) Livello pressione sonora unità interna : 19~37 dB(A) Livello pressione sonora unità esterna : 48 dB(A) Dati elettrici Alimentazione (V,Hz,Ø) : 220~240/50/1 Gas refrigerante : R-32 Intervallo di funzionamento- Raffreddamento: -10° ~ 43° C- Riscaldamento: -15° ~ 24° C Dati installativi Diametro tubazioni liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") Diametro tubazioni gas : 9,52 mm (3/8") Lunghezza massima tubazioni : 20 m Dimensioni e peso Dimensioni unità interna (AxLxP) : 290x805x200 mm Peso unità interna : 8,3 Kg Dimensioni unità esterna (AxLxP) : 544x700x245 mm Peso unità esterna : 23,5 Kg Riello AARIA START N Condizionatore d’aria inverter R-32 AARIA START N è la nuova gamma di condizionatori inverter a parete di Riello, pensata per la climatizzazione di ambienti residenziali di piccole e medie dimensioni, che offre comfort per tutte le stagioni, agendo sia in riscaldamento che in raffrescamento La gamma raggiunge valori di efficienza energetica pari alla classe A++/A+, grazie alla tecnologia inverter. Le unità esterne utilizzano il gas refrigerante R32, a basso impatto ambientale. Elemento distintivo è l’elevato livello di silenziosità del condizionatore: la sua unità interna, alla velocità superminima, arriva fino a 18 dB(A) di pressione sonora, sia in riscaldamento che in raffrescamento. La gamma è dotata di un telecomando a raggi infrarossi, dal quale possono essere impostate tutte le funzioni del condizionatore. Tra le principali funzionalità, I FEEL che permette la regolazione della temperatura ambiente in base a quella percepita dal telecomando per un miglior comfort nei pressi dell’utente, e la funzione STERILIZZAZIONE A 56°C, che contribuisce a mantenere l’ambiente domestico pulito e sano, uccidendo virus e batteri attraverso il riscaldamento dell’evaporatore ad alta temperatura, e offrendo, quindi, un’aria più salubre in uscita dal condizionatore Un comfort omogeneo in tutto l'ambiente Con il condizionatore AARIA START N il comfort è migliore grazie all’effetto coanda, che offre una distribuzione omogenea dell’aria in tutta la stanza, ottimizzandone i flussi e la temperatura. In modalità raffrescamento, l’aria fredda esce dall’unità seguendo un flusso orizzontale e parallelo al soffitto, per evitare che si formino correnti di aria fredda verso il basso e dirette sulle persone. In modalità riscaldamento, l’aria calda segue invece un flusso verticale verso il basso, per poi circolare in tutto lo spazio e garantire una distribuzione omogenea della temperatura in tutto l’ambiente AARIA START N La nuova proposta Riello per ambienti di piccole e medie dimensioni La principale caratteristica di AARIA START N è la silenziosità di funzionamento. La pressione sonora dell’unità interna raggiunge un minimo di 18dB(A) e offre il massimo comfort acustico. Attraverso l’attivazione della funzione QUIET dal telecomando, è possibile ridurre la velocità della ventola, per ottenere un suono quasi impercettibile e paragonabile al respiro umano AMW ST N è l’unità interna a parete, in colore bianco lucido, che si abbina all’unità esterna AARIA START N. A bordo dell’unità interna è presente un display che mostra la temperatura, la presenza del wi-fi, attivabile tramite accessorio esterno, e la modalità di funzionamento: rossa in riscaldamento e blu in raffrescamento. Il controllo, la regolazione e la programmazione vengono effettuate con il telecomando a raggi infrarossi, insieme al quale viene fornito un supporto a parete. Un ambiente più sano con la sterilizzazione a 56°C Con AARIA START N goditi un ambiente più sano grazie alla funzione di sterilizzazione dell’aria per una pulizia profonda e una disinfezione rapida. La sterilizzazione ad alta temperatura a 56°C asciuga i componenti interni e uccide batteri e virus, offrendo un’aria sana in uscita dal condizionatore La funzione può essere attivata solo dall’app BeSmart A/C EV02 Refrigerante R-32 Efficienza e protezione dell'ambiente I condizionatori AARIA START N utilizzano il gas refrigerante R-32, una scelta di efficienza e di responsabilità ambientale. Il refrigerante R-32 è in linea con gli obiettivi europei di riduzione delle emissioni di CO2 e presenta numerosi vantaggi: Basso potenziale di riscaldamento globale (GWP): 675 Efficienza energetica elevata Soluzione collaudata e affidabile, già utilizzata nei condizionatori d’aria residenziali Il comforta portata di mano Attiva la funzione QUIET; Attiva la funzione I FEEL; Attiva la funzione COMFORT SLEEP; Attiva la funzione PULIZIA AUTOMATICA; Attiva/Disattiva la funzione TIMER; Attiva la funzione FLUSSO D’ARIA INDIRETTO; Attiva la funzione MASSIMA POTENZA; Attiva la funzione ANTIGELO (10°C) Garanzia prodotto : La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • immagine-1-riello-caldaia-a-condensazione-riello-rlt-25-kis-gpl-low-nox-completo-di-kit-scarico-fumi-20213293

    Riello Caldaia a Condensazione Riello RLT 25 KIS Gpl Low NOx Completo di Kit Scarico Fumi 20213293

    Caratteristiche tecniche Modello : RLT 25 KIS Codice prodotto : 20213293 Alimentazione : Gpl Efficienza energetica Classe di efficienza energetica stagionale del riscaldamento : A Classe di efficienza energetica del sanitario : A Efficienza energetica stagionale del riscaldamento : 93% Potenza termica utile Potenza termica nominale e a regime di alta temperatura : 19,4 kW Potenza termica nominale e a regime di bassa temperatura : 6,5 kW Efficienza utile Alla potenza termica nominale e a regime di alta temperatura : 87,3% Al 30% potenza termica nominale e a regime di bassa temperatura : 98,5% Altre specifiche tecniche Portata termica riscaldamento : 3,1 ~ 20,0 kW Portata termica ACS nominale : 3,1 ~ 25,0 kW Alimentazione (V,Hz,Ø) : 220~240/50/1 Grado di protezione : IPX5D Classe NOx : 6  Riscaldamento Pressione massima : 3 bar Temperatura massima : 90°C Capacità vaso espansione : 8 litri Dimensioni e peso Dimensioni caldaia (HxLxP) 700x400x275 mm  Peso : 28,5 Riello RLT caldaie murali a condensazione RLT è la proposta di caldaie murali a condensazione di Riello volte al risparmio energetico e all’efficienza. Grazie alla presenza dello scambiatore condensante in acciaio inox e all’ottimizzazione dello scambiatore sanitario a piastre è possibile ottenere livelli di comfort elevati sia in riscaldamento che in sanitario. La caldaia RLT si integra perfettamente in ogni ambiente della casa grazie al design dalle linee essenziali e moderne. Può essere, inoltre, installata a incasso, grazie alle sue dimensioni molto compatte e al peso ridotto. RLT nasce con uno sguardo verso il futuro: è predisposta infatti per essere utilizzata con i futuri sistemi di distribuzione di miscele di gas naturale e idrogeno fino al 20%, che contribuiranno a ridurre l’impatto ambientale e le emissioni delle caldaie a condensazione nei prossimi anni. Alta efficienza Massimo comfort e consumi ridotti grazie all’elevato rapporto di modulazione 1 : 8 e agli scambiatori primario e sanitario Stabilità dell'acqua calda sanitaria Acqua calda senza oscillazioni di temperatura, per un comfort ottimale durante i prelievi. Facilità di installazione Grazie all’ampia scelta di accessori pensati per l’installazione e alla possibile integrazione in spazi contenuti. Progettata per la sostituzione. Design compatto Prodotto estremamente compatto, ideale per l’installazione anche nei pensili più ristretti, con una larghezza di soli 400 mm. Installabile anche a incasso e all’esterno in luoghi parzialmente protetti. Interfaccia Touch Semplice e intuitiva da usare, con buzzer di segnalazione acustica. Scambiatore in acciaio inox compatto e robusto Il tuo comfort con un semplice touch Una delle caratteristiche distintive della caldaia RLT è il pannello comandi digitale, con tasti touch, che permette di accedere in modo intuitivo a tutte le regolazioni e ai parametri della caldaia e del sistema. Il suo display LCD è stato concepito all’insegna della semplicità di comunicazione per l’utente, attraverso l’utilizzo di icone che ne rendono più semplice e immediato l’utilizzo. Facilmente integrabile in ogni ambiente RLT è ideale anche per la sostituzione di vecchie caldaie, sia con attacchi DIN che con sequenza Riello, grazie alla disponibilità di kit accessori che ne semplificano la conversione. L’installazione e l’integrazione in ogni ambiente sono inoltre facilitate dalla disponibilità di ulteriori accessori come il kit fumi, i filtri acqua compatti , addolcitore e magnetico, e la copertura sottocaldaia. Scambiatore a condensazione in acciaio inox Uno degli elementi principali di RLT è il suo scambiatore, compatto e robusto, realizzato in acciaio inox con tubo liscio e continuo ad elevata sezione, per offrire la migliore efficienza e pulizia nel tempo. L’accesso frontale allo scambiatore è un ulteriore plus che agevola le operazioni di manutenzione e di pulizia della camera di combustione. Garanzia prodotto : La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • Air-Water Monoblock Heat Pump Riello Nxhm 008 Single-Phase R-32 20191942

    Riello Air-Water Monoblock Heat Pump Riello Nxhm 008 Single-Phase R-32 20191942

    Technical features Model : NXHM 008 Product code : 20191942 Energy efficiency SEER: 5.83 SCOP: 3.37 Heating Energy Efficiency Class: A+++ Performance Cooling Capacity: 7.45 kW Heating Capacity: 8.40 kW Cooling absorption: 2.22 kW Heating absorption: 1.63 kW Air flow rate : 4030 m 3 /h Sound power level : 59 dB(A) Sound pressure level : 48.5 dB(A) Electrical data Power supply (V,Hz, Ø) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas : R32 Installation data Hydraulic Pipe Diameter: 5/4" Dimensions and weight Dimensions (LxHxP): 1295x792x429 mm Empty weight: 121 Kg Riello NXHM Inverter Monobloc Air-Water Hydronic Heat Pumps NXHM is an energy efficient residential hydronic heat pump for heating, cooling and eventual. domestic hot water production. The unit works with ecological refrigerant R32 ensuring not only a low global warming potential (GWP) and CO 2 emissions, but also a high energy efficiency throughout the working range. NXHM is also equipped with new exchange coils with the special Blue-Fin hydrophilic and anti-corrosion treatment, which improves the drainage of condensate on the fins, thus reducing the risk of freezing on the coil (maximum efficiency even in humid climates) NXHM is available in 10 different models with heating capacities from 4.2 to 15.9 kW Twin-Rotary compressor with DC inverter technology, which modulates the power required to adapt perfectly to the actual load required High COP and EER (all NXHM heat pumps comply with the highest required standards in terms of energy efficiency) Third party certified performance HP Keymark Can be connected to low temperature radiators, underfloor heating elements and fan coil type units Water heating temperature up to +65 °C - Quick and easy installation Low noise unit Wired control included, it can completely manage a heating/cooling/domestic hot water system The control can manage up to 6 units in cascade (1 master and 5 slaves) even with different powers Standard anti-freeze protection that protects the entire system and especially the hydraulic parts from potential frost damage. Structure Cover cabinet made of steel sheet painted with neutral RAL 7035 powders which increases its resistance to corrosion by atmospheric agents. All panels are removable Compressor A double compressor protection shield for sound isolation further reduces sound levels. An advanced technology, able to offer the maximum energy efficiency and characterized by a high power available in peak conditions, as well as an optimized efficiency at low and medium compressor speeds. The NXHM heat pump is equipped with DC inverter technology, which combines two electronic regulation logics: go modulation (PAM) and pulse width modulation (PWM), in order to guarantee optimized compressor operation in each operating condition, minimize temperature fluctuations, and provide perfect comfort regulation and, all while significantly reducing energy consumption WFP extension DC pulse width modulation drives the compressor to peak load conditions (startup and peak load), so that the voltage increases at a fixed frequency. The compressor runs at high speed, in order to quickly reach the desired temperature PWM DC Pulse Width Modulation controls the compressor in partial load conditions, adapting the frequency in the presence of a fixed voltage. The speed of the compressor is precisely regulated, and the system offers a high level of comfort (absence of temperature fluctuations) under operating conditions characterized by exceptional efficiency. The compressor frequency increases steadily until it reaches the maximum level. This guarantees the absence of intensity peaks during the start-up phase and, moreover, guarantees a safe connection to a single-phase power supply, even for high-power systems. This compressor start logic makes "Soft Start" starters useless and, moreover, guarantees the immediate availability of maximum power External battery The external coil is made with copper pipes and hydrophilic aluminum fins. This solution allows the water to migrate more easily (by gravity) towards the bottom of the exchanger. In particular, this innovation allows: lengthening of the time necessary for the formation of frost, reducing the accumulation of the latter on the coil a more efficient defrosting phase, thanks to the improvement of the water flow on the fins; thus, operation in heating mode is improved Standard blue coating treatment which improves the resistance of the coils to corrosive agents and is recommended in all those applications with a moderate risk of corrosion External Fan Single variable speed Brushless DC fan motor for optimum air distribution together with extraordinarily low sound levels. Possibility of setting two different maximum noise levels Electronic expansion valve The electronic expansion valve is an electronic biflow expansion device, whose task is to optimize the volume of the refrigerant fluid present in the circuit and consequently the overheating, preventing the return of the fluid in the liquid phase towards the compressor. This device further improves the high efficiency and reliability of the system, as it also allows you to work with very low condensing pressures throughout the working range. Solenoid valve Given the extensive working fields of the unit, the solenoid valve, completely managed by the unit, allows the compressor to work at always optimal temperature levels Plate heat exchangers Vertical type plate heat exchanger in AISI 316 stainless steel Integrated hydronic group The hydronic module is always present and is supplied with a variable speed circulation pump, flow switch, 3 bar safety valve, expansion tank and inlet and outlet water temperature probes. It is possible to have the backup electric heater as an accessory. In domestic applications, it is possible to connect the inertial storage tank directly below the unit in order to reduce the space occupied inside the living areas to a minimum. All internal hydronic parts are insulated to reduce heat losses. The antifreeze program contains special functions which use the heat pump and backup heater (if available) to protect the whole system from freezing. When the temperature of the water flow in the system drops to a certain value, the unit will heat the water, either with the heat pump, electric heating tap or backup heater (if available). The frost protection function is only deactivated when the temperature rises to a certain value Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Riello NXHM 010 Single Phase R-32 Air-Water Monobloc Heat Pump 20191943

    Riello Riello NXHM 010 Single Phase R-32 Air-Water Monobloc Heat Pump 20191943

    FOR THE FIRST START-UP, CONTACT YOUR LOCAL ASSISTANCE CENTER! Technical Features Model : NXHM 010 Product code : 20191943 Heating performance A7°C ~ W35°C Nominal capacity: 10.00 kW Absorption: 2.02 kW COP: 4.95 SCOP : 5.20 Seasonal energy efficiency: 205% Energy efficiency class: A+++ Heating performance A7°C ~ W45°C Nominal capacity: 10.00 kW Absorption: 2.67 kW COP : 3.75 Heating performance A7°C ~ W55°C Nominal capacity: 9.50 kW Absorption: 3.06 kW COP : 3.10 SCOP : 3.47 Seasonal energy efficiency: 137% Energy efficiency class: A++ Cooling performance A35°C ~ W7°C Nominal capacity: 8.20 kW Absorption: 2.52 kW EER : 3.25 SEER : 5.99 Seasonal energy efficiency: 236% Cooling performance A35°C ~ W18°C Nominal capacity: 9.90 kW Absorption: 2.18 kW EER : 4.55 Performance Air flow rate: 4030 m3 /h Sound power level: 60 dB(A) Sound pressure level: 50.5 dB(A) Electrical data Power supply (V,Hz,Ø) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas: R32 Dimensions and weight Dimensions (LxHxD): 1385x945x438 mm Empty weight: 121 Kg Riello NXHM Inverter Monobloc Air-Water Hydronic Heat Pumps NXHM is a highly energy efficient residential hydronic heat pump for heating, cooling and possible production of domestic hot water. The unit operates with environmentally friendly R32 refrigerant, ensuring not only low global warming potential (GWP) and CO 2 emissions, but also high energy efficiency throughout the entire operating range. NXHM is also equipped with new exchange batteries with the special hydrophilic and anti-corrosive Blue-Fin treatment, which improves the drainage of condensation on the fins, thus reducing the risk of freezing on the battery (maximum efficiency even in humid climates) NXHM is available in 10 different models with heating capacities from 4.2 to 15.9 kW Twin-Rotary compressor with DC inverter technology, which modulates the power required to perfectly adapt to the actual load required High COP and EER (all NXHM heat pumps comply with the highest standards required in terms of energy efficiency) Performance certified by third party HP Keymark They can be connected to low temperature radiators, floor radiant elements and fan coil units Water heating temperature up to +65 °C – Quick and easy installation Low noise unit Wired control included, can fully manage a heating/cooling/domestic hot water system The command can manage up to 6 units in cascade (1 master and 5 slaves) even with different power Antifreeze protection as standard which protects the entire system and in particular the hydraulic parts from potential frost damage. Structure Covering cabinet made of steel sheet painted with neutral RAL 7035 powders which increases its resistance to corrosion by atmospheric agents. All panels are removable Compressor A double compressor protection screen for sound insulation further reduces noise levels. Advanced technology, capable of offering maximum energy efficiency and characterized by high power available in peak conditions, as well as optimized performance at low and medium compressor speeds. The NXHM heat pump is equipped with DC inverter technology, which combines two electronic regulation logics: go modulation (PAM) and pulse width modulation (PWM), in order to ensure optimized compressor operation in all operating conditions, minimize temperature fluctuations, and provide perfect comfort regulation and, all this, significantly reducing energy consumption. PAM DC pulse width modulation controls the compressor at maximum load conditions (start and peak load), so as to increase the voltage at a fixed frequency. The compressor operates at high speed, so as to quickly reach the desired temperature PWM Pulse width modulation of the direct current controls the compressor under partial load conditions by adapting the frequency to a fixed voltage. The compressor speed is precisely regulated, and the system offers a high level of comfort (no temperature fluctuations) under operating conditions with exceptional efficiency. The compressor frequency increases continuously until it reaches the maximum level. This ensures that there are no peaks in intensity during the start-up phase and also guarantees a safe connection to a single-phase power supply, even for high-power systems. This compressor start logic makes “Soft Start” starters unnecessary and also ensures that maximum power is immediately available External Battery The external battery is made with copper tubes and hydrophilic aluminum fins. This solution allows water to migrate more easily (by gravity) towards the bottom of the exchanger. In particular, this innovation allows: lengthening the time required for frost to form, reducing its accumulation on the battery a more efficient defrosting phase, thanks to the improved water flow on the fins; thus, operation in heating mode is improved Standard blue coating treatment that improves the resistance of the batteries to corrosive agents and is recommended in all those applications that present a moderate risk of corrosion External Fan Single Brushless DC fan motor with variable speed for optimal air distribution combined with exceptionally low noise levels. Possibility to set two different maximum noise levels Electronic expansion valve The electronic expansion valve is an electronic bi-flow expansion device, whose task is to optimize the volume of the refrigerant fluid present in the circuit and consequently the overheating, preventing the return of the fluid in liquid phase towards the compressor. This device further improves the high efficiency and reliability of the system, as it allows to work even with very low condensation pressures in the entire working range. Solenoid valve Given the extended working ranges of the unit, the solenoid valve, completely managed by the unit, allows the compressor to work at always optimal temperature levels. Plate exchangers Vertical plate heat exchanger in AISI 316 stainless steel Integrated hydronic group The hydronic module is always present and is supplied with a variable speed circulation pump, flow switch, 3 bar safety valve, expansion vessel and inlet and outlet water temperature probes. The electric backup heater can be supplied as an accessory. In domestic applications, the inertial storage tank can be connected directly under the unit in order to minimise the space occupied inside the living spaces. All internal hydronic parts are insulated to reduce heat loss. The antifreeze program contains special functions that use the heat pump and the backup heater (if available) to protect the entire system from freezing. When the temperature of the water flow in the system drops to a certain value, the unit will heat the water, either with the heat pump, or with the electric heating tap, or with the backup heater (if available). The antifreeze protection function is deactivated only when the temperature increases to a certain value Product Warranty: All products for sale on our site are new and packaged. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Riello Nxhm 004 Single-Phase R-32 Air-Water Monoblock Heat Pump

    Riello Riello Nxhm 004 Single-Phase R-32 Air-Water Monoblock Heat Pump

    Technical features Model : NXHM 004 Energy efficiency SEER : 4.99 SCOP: 4.85 Heating Energy Efficiency Class: A+++ Performance Cooling Capacity: 4.50 kW Heating Capacity: 4.20 kW Cooling absorption: 0.82 kW Heating absorption: 0.82 kW Air flow : 2770 m 3 /h Sound power level : 55 dB(A) Sound pressure level : 45 dB(A) Electrical data Power supply (V,Hz, Ø) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas : R32 Dimensions and weight Dimensions (LxHxP): 1295x72x429 mm Empty weight: 98.0 kg Riello NXHM Inverter Monobloc Air-Water Hydronic Heat Pumps NXHM is an energy efficient residential hydronic heat pump for heating, cooling and eventual. domestic hot water production. The unit works with ecological refrigerant R32 ensuring not only a low global warming potential (GWP) and CO 2 emissions, but also a high energy efficiency throughout the working range. NXHM is also equipped with new exchange coils with the special Blue-Fin hydrophilic and anti-corrosion treatment, which improves the drainage of condensate on the fins, thus reducing the risk of freezing on the coil (maximum efficiency even in humid climates) NXHM is available in 10 different models with heating capacities from 4.2 to 15.9 kW Twin-Rotary compressor with DC inverter technology, which modulates the power required to adapt perfectly to the actual load required High COP and EER (all NXHM heat pumps comply with the highest required standards in terms of energy efficiency) Third party certified performance HP Keymark Can be connected to low temperature radiators, underfloor heating elements and fan coil type units Water heating temperature up to +65 °C - Quick and easy installation Low noise unit Wired control included, it can completely manage a heating/cooling/domestic hot water system The control can manage up to 6 units in cascade (1 master and 5 slaves) even with different powers Standard anti-freeze protection that protects the entire system and especially the hydraulic parts from potential frost damage. Structure Cover cabinet made of steel sheet painted with neutral RAL 7035 powders which increases its resistance to corrosion by atmospheric agents. All panels are removable Compressor A double compressor protection shield for sound isolation further reduces sound levels. An advanced technology, able to offer the maximum energy efficiency and characterized by a high power available in peak conditions, as well as an optimized efficiency at low and medium compressor speeds. The NXHM heat pump is equipped with DC inverter technology, which combines two electronic regulation logics: go modulation (PAM) and pulse width modulation (PWM), in order to guarantee optimized compressor operation in each operating condition, minimize temperature fluctuations, and provide perfect comfort regulation and, all while significantly reducing energy consumption WFP extension DC pulse width modulation drives the compressor to peak load conditions (startup and peak load), so that the voltage increases at a fixed frequency. The compressor runs at high speed, in order to quickly reach the desired temperature PWM DC Pulse Width Modulation controls the compressor in partial load conditions, adapting the frequency in the presence of a fixed voltage. The speed of the compressor is precisely regulated, and the system offers a high level of comfort (absence of temperature fluctuations) under operating conditions characterized by exceptional efficiency. The compressor frequency increases steadily until it reaches the maximum level. This guarantees the absence of intensity peaks during the start-up phase and, moreover, guarantees a safe connection to a single-phase power supply, even for high-power systems. This compressor start logic makes "Soft Start" starters useless and, moreover, guarantees the immediate availability of maximum power External battery The external coil is made with copper pipes and hydrophilic aluminum fins. This solution allows the water to migrate more easily (by gravity) towards the bottom of the exchanger. In particular, this innovation allows: lengthening of the time necessary for the formation of frost, reducing the accumulation of the latter on the coil a more efficient defrosting phase, thanks to the improvement of the water flow on the fins; thus, operation in heating mode is improved Standard blue coating treatment which improves the resistance of the coils to corrosive agents and is recommended in all those applications with a moderate risk of corrosion External Fan Single variable speed Brushless DC fan motor for optimum air distribution together with extraordinarily low sound levels. Possibility of setting two different maximum noise levels Electronic expansion valve The electronic expansion valve is an electronic biflow expansion device, whose task is to optimize the volume of the refrigerant fluid present in the circuit and consequently the overheating, preventing the return of the fluid in the liquid phase towards the compressor. This device further improves the high efficiency and reliability of the system, as it also allows you to work with very low condensing pressures throughout the working range. Solenoid valve Given the extensive working fields of the unit, the solenoid valve, completely managed by the unit, allows the compressor to work at always optimal temperature levels Plate heat exchangers Vertical type plate heat exchanger in AISI 316 stainless steel Integrated hydronic unit The hydronic module is always present and is supplied with a variable speed circulation pump, flow switch, 3 bar safety valve, expansion tank and inlet and outlet water temperature probes. It is possible to have the backup electric heater as an accessory. In domestic applications, it is possible to connect the inertial storage tank directly below the unit in order to reduce the space occupied inside the living areas to a minimum. All internal hydronic parts are insulated to reduce heat losses. The antifreeze program contains special functions which use the heat pump and backup heater (if available) to protect the whole system from freezing. When the temperature of the water flow in the system drops to a certain value, the unit will heat the water, either with the heat pump, electric heating tap or backup heater (if available). The frost protection function is deactivated only when the temperature rises up to a certain value Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


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